Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tip 3- TeacherKit app

Here is the app every teacher should know about: TeacherKit (formerly known as TeacherPal). I have recently started using it with my groups and it has proved to be very useful. In TeacherKit you can:
- send e-emails to students and parents
- add a picture to each student profile (tap on the desk and edit Student Info)
- keep track of absences (Attendance)
- feed in all grades (Gradebook)
- take notes on students' behavior (Behavior)
- organize seating arrangement (tap and hold the desk until it wiggles, then move the students around)

TeacherKit is very user friendly and will definitely keep you more organized throughout the term! Here is the link to the app's official page in case you want to learn more about all its features:
TeacherKit official page

Here is a short YouTube video explaining the main features in TeacherKit:
YouTube demo video

TeacherKit is a free app and it can be used in iPads and iPhones only.

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